Donate now
100% of your donation goes straight to work helping El Patojismo—covering the costs of teacher salaries, books and learning materials, as well as nutritious meals. We have no administrative costs, the Directors pay all such expenses themselves.
With your donation, you’ll receive updates on your impact through our biannual newsletter. All donations to Give Kids a Chance will receive a Canadian Charitable Donation Receipt. Charitable Organization Number 828476143RR0001.
For residents of Canada, we work with Canada Helps to ensure a secure donation process. You’ll instantly be provided with a tax receipt upon donation. Use either the form on the right or Canada Helps logo above.
Alternatively, you can send a cheque directly to:
Give Kids a Chance Foundation
21 Burkebrook Place, Unit 107, Toronto, ON
M4G 0A2
Thank you
On behalf of the children!
Together with your donations, we are truly changing thousands of lives in Guatemala forever. We hope that we can count on your continuing support.
We promise that every dollar donated to our charity goes to the children and projects. The directors pay all administrative, travel and other costs themselves.
Donate now
100% of your donation goes straight to work helping Los Patojos—covering the costs of teacher salaries, books and learning materials, as well as nutritious meals. We have no administrative costs, the Directors pay all such expenses themselves.
With your donation, you’ll receive updates on your impact through our biannual newsletter. All donations to Give Kids a Chance will receive a Canadian Charitable Donation Receipt. Charitable Organization Number 828476143RR0001.
For residents of Canada, we work with Canada Helps to ensure a secure donation process. You’ll instantly be provided with a tax receipt upon donation. Please click the Canada Helps logo above or on the Form below to donate through Canada Helps.
Alternatively, you can send a cheque directly to:
Give Kids a Chance Foundation
91 Ardwold Gate, Toronto, ON
M5R 2W1
Thank you
On behalf of the children!
Together with your donations, we are truly changing thousands of lives in Guatemala forever. We hope that we can count on your continuing support.
We promise that every dollar donated to our charity goes to the children and projects. The directors pay all administrative, travel and other costs themselves.
Please contact us
If you have any questions about the donation process or Give Kids a Chance, please don’t hesitate to reach out below.